What’s the secret to creating a bespoke logo that clearly communicates your unique brand identity and makes a lasting impression on your target market?

With 4.66 billion active internet users worldwide in 2021, every brand requires more than a solid business plan. They need a bespoke logo design

The power of an original logo can’t be underestimated. Just take Coca Cola for example. Research revealed that a mind-boggling 94% of the world’s population recognises the soft drink company’s logo.

The key to success is originality. But treading the line between originality and professionalism can be challenging.

In this blog, we explain what we mean by a bespoke logo and reveal the four key components that can elevate a regular design into a memorable one.

What is a bespoke logo?

A bespoke logo is unique and original to your brand. It will use a signature graphic mark, emblem, or symbol as a form of identification.

The logo is normally supported by the brand name, creating a clear and strong association for the customer between the symbol and the name.

‘Bespoke’ originally described tailor-made items such as suits or shoes. The verb ‘to speak for something’ has since evolved into a modern adjective to describe anything created for a unique specification.

As the face of the business, the purpose of the logo is to supply recognition, identity, and professionalism. It should be distinctive, unique, and memorable to your business.

How to create an original logo design?


The best way to stand out with a logo is to be as original as possible. However, you don’t want to stand out for the wrong reasons. Just because someone remembers something doesn’t make it a good thing. They might be remembering it for the wrong reasons.

The key is being original while still being professional in your industry. The logo must make someone associate the service, experience, or product with the brand while standing out from the competition. Too far removed, and the logo won’t be trusted. Too typical, and your logo will fade into the ether. This makes creating an original logo a tough balancing act.

Tap into your brands USP. A truly bespoke logo will not just communicate what it does and how it does it. It will lead with why it does what it does. Ask yourself, why does my brand do what it does? Hopefully, you will have passion and a love of its services and products. Communicate this in a bespoke logo to display the company’s originality.

If your business is in a creative industry, it’s important to showcase this creativity. Finance Online found that 78% of consumers see logos as works of art. However, if you’re a corporate business, you want your logo to show reliability, professionalism, and class.

Here is an example of how we captured the fresh, forward-thinking originality of Urban Air Space Systems Limited. Watch our 30-second reel for some bespoke logo design inspiration.


95% of the top 100 brands use only one or two colours in their logo. The emphasis on getting your colour right to your brand is key. The psychology behind colours is fascinating and an integral part of marketing and branding.

For example, Coca Cola uses red to encourage our appetites while YouTube uses red to generate excitement. Starbucks use green to convey positivity in which the brand treats its customers and investors. The Starbucks logo was once brown and changed to green in 1971 to symbolise new beginnings, growth and prosperity.

The most popular logo colour is blue with 35%. Blue is associated with peace, tranquillity, and reliability.

When you decide on the colour of your brand logo, you should research the psychology of colours. Aligning your brand identity, values, and target audience with the right colour is essential for your logo to be effective.

For example, is your target audience gender specific? Men prefer bold colours while women prefer softer tones. Aspects like this should aid your decision. Remember, you’re trying to appeal to your target audience with your brand identity. Colour is crucial to this formula.


Although 9% of global brands don’t include the business name in the logo, following suit is a risky move for a brand, especially for smaller businesses.

To be successful, brands must build connections with their consumers. The first way you can achieve this is through the consumer seeing the logo. If the company name isn’t included, the consumer will be less likely to associate the company name with the brand design.

Like colour, typography can convey different emotions and experiences. And there’s no better way of building connections with your consumer than supplying emotional triggers. Surprisingly, just a simple line can convey emotion, whether it’s straight, angled, spiralled or bending.

Deciding what emotion, experience, or impression you’re looking to create with a logo will help you find the right typography. For example, a ‘STENCIL’ font might be a more individual, bold, and adaptable text, while - ‘Candara’ is thought to be progressive, stylish, and open.

Can you be creative with how you present both the logo and the text? Can you interweave both aspects into one another? Can a symbol become a letter? This creativity will create more engagement in the logo and make it more memorable.


The job of a bespoke logo is also to build trust with your brand. This trust is gained instantly or lost when the consumer first sees it.

Trying to be too original with your logo might be detrimental to your business. It could appear less reliable and lack professionalism. Your bespoke logo needs to tell your consumer who you are and what you do. But more importantly, you need to tell your consumer that you’ll be professional in the process.

Analyse your competition to see what makes their logo successful. Professional logos are notoriously simple. Less is more. Overcomplicate the logo, and you’ll put your consumer off.

How can you tell the most professional story of your brand with simplicity? Envision this simplicity through visual identification. Now, put it into a logo image.

Need a hand creating a bespoke logo?

Creating a bespoke logo design requires creativity, identity, and experience. Without experience in logo design, you’ll struggle to effectively communicate the vision, mission, and overall statement of your brand.

Getting the logo right is so important for your business. It’s the first impression you’ll likely make to your consumer, and we all know how critical first impressions can be.

If you need a hand with the logo design process, then get in touch with Design in the Shires. Our specialist graphic designers have heaps of experience designing a rich variety of bespoke logos for a diverse range of clients.

Connect with us, and we’ll help you create an original logo design that captures your brand identity and appeals to your target customer.

Design in the Shires Logo Dividing Line